DFSP 101: DFSP Overview
In this course, you will explore why a Digital Financial Service Provider (DFSP) should use Mojaloop, how Mojaloop conducts transactions, the different product, operational and technical considerations, and use cases for which the system can be leveraged.
**Although anyone interested can take the DFSP 101 course, it was designed with business and project owners in mind, as well as the assumption that learners of DFSP 101 have completed MOJA 101, the Mojaloop Training Program’s introductory courses.
DFSP 209: DFSP Operations
This course builds on DFSP 101 to provide practical steps for performing Technical Operations (TechOps) support functions. It highlights the support processes and the TechOps business needs around which they are built and explored, followed by an introduction to the Mojaloop tools that enable the efficiency and automation of these processes. The course is aimed towards those working within DFSPs or those advocating for DFSPs to join a Mojaloop system (such as strategy-related roles, business operations and product owners).
**Although anyone interested can review the DFSP 209 course, the course has been designed with business and project owners and technical operational experts in mind.). It is also assumed that learners of DFSP 209 have completed DFSP 101.